Parent Pick-up and Drop-off Reminders

PLEASE READ: Parent Pick-up and Drop-off Reminders
Posted on 08/26/2024
campus arrival and dismissal map

Dear Absecon families, 

As the new school year gets underway, we would like to remind all those who pick up and drop off their students of a few helpful tips.

First, the loops at all school entrances are for drop-and-go and pick-up-and-go only. Drop-and-go and pick-up-and-go should line up along the yellow curb in a single-file line. Parents/guardians should not exit your vehicle. Please do not block the passing lane!

If you are parking to walk your student up to the door, you must park in a designated parking area (see map Attachment: Campus Map arrival and dismissal.pdf). Do not park in any of the 1st through 8th grade loops.

Additionally, we would like to remind all parents and guardians that the handicap parking spaces are only for those compliant with the American with Disabilities Act. All others may be ticketed, and are taking the limited areas away from those who truly need it.

Please adhere to these parking guidelines going forward, so that we may continue to ensure the safety and security of all of our students, staff, and entire learning community.

We appreciate your understanding, cooperation, and support!

Thank you,

Absecon Public Schools

absecon kindergarten drop-off map


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