
Absecon Public Schools Gifted & Talented

Philosophy of the Gifted & Talented Program
The Gifted and Talented program of the Absecon Schools are designed to exceed the needs of gifted and high achieving learners. The Gifted and Talented program of the Absecon Public Schools provides an educational environment that fosters critical and creative thinking skills. Through process, problem solving and performance-based learning, it is our goal to nurture and challenge the unique potential of these self-directed, life-long learners with an interdisciplinary approach (language arts, math, science, social studies, and visual and performing arts).

Entrance Criteria for the Enrichment and Gifted & Talented Programs

Grades K-3 Enrichment Program

Students in Kindergarten through grade 3 participate in the whole school enrichment model. The enrichment model is interdisciplinary based including English Language Arts, Mathematics, and the special areas

Grades 4-8 Gifted and Talented Program

The Gifted and Talented Program targets students with spatial sense, analytical skills and gifted/talented ability. The InView Test, measuring a student's ability to use information and apply it in new and different ways, how a student analyzes and employs higher-order thinking skills, and a student's cognitive abilities, is administered in grade 3 to all students. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition is an individually administered cognitive assessment that provides a student's Full Scale IQ score; in addition to scores for Verbal Reasoning, Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed.

Primary Entrance Process:

  1. Students achieving a CSI from the InView at the 90th percentile or above when compared to their local peer sample are administered the WISC-V
  2. A teacher confirmation profile is completed for all students at or above the 90th percentile
  3. Students achieving a FSIQ from the WISC-V at the 97th percentile or above when compared to their local peer sample, and receive a Teacher Confirmation Profile score of at least 42, are offered admission into the Gifted and Talented Program.

Secondary Entrance Criteria:

  1. Students not assessed in grade 3 can be initiated through completion of the Teacher Confirmation Profile, and achieve a score of 42.
  2. Students will be administered the InView within the school year of referral must achieve a score at the 90th percentile or above in comparison to the assessed peers during their testing year to be administered the WISC-V
  3. Students achieving a FSIQ from the WISC-V at the 97th percentile or above when compared to their local peer sample are offered admission into the Gifted and Talented Program.

Criteria for Continuation of Gifted and Talented Program for Grades 4-8

Students may continue in the GT programs for the duration of their school years up to and including eighth grade providing the following criteria are achieved:

  1. Students must maintain an acceptable level of task commitment, class participation, and academic preparedness in the Gifted Program as measured by the GT teacher.
  2. Students must maintain grades of B or better in all academic areas. A significant drop in grades (<84% average) and/or classroom performance outside the GT program may warrant evaluation for continuance in the GT program.

Exit Criteria for 4-8 Gifted and Talented

If a student experiences marked difficulty in these areas, his/her parents/guardians will be notified of the following action:

Step 1: Probation- student's performance will be monitored by the GT teacher and classroom teacher for the remainder of the marking period (if interim grade of <84%) and/or the subsequent marking period. Students will need to show improvement to a grade of 85% or better.
Step 2: Removal: If improvement is not achieved by the end of the probation period, the student will be removed from the GT program.
Step 3: Reinstatement: If a student has shown two consecutive marking periods of honor roll grades, the student may submit a letter of request for reinstatement into the program.


If a student is experiencing academic difficulties at any point, he/she may opt to withdraw from the program until significant academic improvement has occurred. Written requests must be submitted to the building principal by parent/guardian.

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